利用統計 anocora.sakura.ne.jp

統計期間: March 2024
作成日時 01-Apr-2024 00:05 JST

[日ごとの統計] [時間ごとの統計] [URL] [エントリー] [Exit] [サイト] [リファラー] [検索文字列] [エージェント] [国]

月の統計 March 2024
全ヒット数 133700
全ファイル数 117320
合計 Pages 54840
合計 Visits 19505
全 KBytes数 10492812
個別サイト数 16349
個別URL数 3258
個別リファラー数 5036
個別ユーザエージェント数 1724
. 平均 最大
一時間あたりのヒット数 179 2315
一日あたりのヒット数 4312 8067
一日あたりのファイル数 3784 7757
一日あたりのページ数 1769 5141
Sites per Day 527 1223
一日あたりの訪問者数 629 1194
一日あたりのKBytes数 338478 765438
Code 200 - OK 87.75% 117320
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.03% 37
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.00% 1334
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.68% 2247
Code 404 - Not Found 9.55% 12762

Daily usage for March 2024

日ごとの統計 March 2024
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 3559 2.66% 3022 2.58% 1646 3.00% 535 2.74% 589 3.60% 309758 2.95%
2 3806 2.85% 3308 2.82% 1461 2.66% 586 3.00% 655 4.01% 296036 2.82%
3 3981 2.98% 3497 2.98% 1555 2.84% 548 2.81% 785 4.80% 282948 2.70%
4 4040 3.02% 3491 2.98% 1551 2.83% 628 3.22% 784 4.80% 304831 2.91%
5 4346 3.25% 3862 3.29% 1821 3.32% 763 3.91% 798 4.88% 297470 2.83%
6 3611 2.70% 3173 2.70% 1621 2.96% 577 2.96% 779 4.76% 215351 2.05%
7 4846 3.62% 4359 3.72% 1425 2.60% 571 2.93% 1223 7.48% 365607 3.48%
8 4346 3.25% 3902 3.33% 2056 3.75% 620 3.18% 935 5.72% 714533 6.81%
9 3965 2.97% 3526 3.01% 1169 2.13% 580 2.97% 739 4.52% 372891 3.55%
10 3424 2.56% 2783 2.37% 1143 2.08% 592 3.04% 798 4.88% 264943 2.52%
11 4854 3.63% 3591 3.06% 2283 4.16% 551 2.82% 665 4.07% 277025 2.64%
12 4448 3.33% 3919 3.34% 1763 3.21% 674 3.46% 722 4.42% 284890 2.72%
13 5723 4.28% 5194 4.43% 2855 5.21% 1194 6.12% 736 4.50% 307396 2.93%
14 3667 2.74% 3222 2.75% 1380 2.52% 498 2.55% 723 4.42% 228411 2.18%
15 3699 2.77% 3320 2.83% 1354 2.47% 527 2.70% 699 4.28% 259543 2.47%
16 5133 3.84% 4363 3.72% 1652 3.01% 593 3.04% 662 4.05% 549917 5.24%
17 3281 2.45% 2817 2.40% 1009 1.84% 587 3.01% 696 4.26% 230051 2.19%
18 3848 2.88% 3480 2.97% 1396 2.55% 871 4.47% 667 4.08% 312905 2.98%
19 3266 2.44% 2840 2.42% 961 1.75% 616 3.16% 613 3.75% 230743 2.20%
20 3289 2.46% 2968 2.53% 833 1.52% 507 2.60% 556 3.40% 765438 7.29%
21 4027 3.01% 3699 3.15% 1399 2.55% 585 3.00% 609 3.72% 302323 2.88%
22 4302 3.22% 3894 3.32% 1802 3.29% 522 2.68% 583 3.57% 321089 3.06%
23 3202 2.39% 2868 2.44% 982 1.79% 579 2.97% 599 3.66% 278778 2.66%
24 8067 6.03% 7757 6.61% 5141 9.37% 541 2.77% 626 3.83% 395877 3.77%
25 6014 4.50% 5478 4.67% 3830 6.98% 596 3.06% 533 3.26% 293586 2.80%
26 3272 2.45% 2834 2.42% 1132 2.06% 670 3.44% 603 3.69% 327694 3.12%
27 4507 3.37% 3578 3.05% 1427 2.60% 689 3.53% 588 3.60% 333081 3.17%
28 3794 2.84% 3252 2.77% 1523 2.78% 605 3.10% 721 4.41% 286905 2.73%
29 4838 3.62% 3664 3.12% 1551 2.83% 821 4.21% 1007 6.16% 420250 4.01%
30 5215 3.90% 4764 4.06% 2541 4.63% 633 3.25% 730 4.47% 334275 3.19%
31 5330 3.99% 4895 4.17% 2578 4.70% 681 3.49% 699 4.28% 328267 3.13%

Hourly usage for March 2024

時間ごとの統計 March 2024
Hits Files Pages KBytes
平均 合計 平均 合計 平均 合計 平均 合計
0 123 3820 2.86% 100 3102 2.64% 50 1556 2.84% 7390 229094 2.18%
1 87 2720 2.03% 69 2168 1.85% 39 1213 2.21% 5733 177733 1.69%
2 81 2521 1.89% 66 2056 1.75% 45 1398 2.55% 3725 115468 1.10%
3 106 3291 2.46% 85 2637 2.25% 55 1707 3.11% 4942 153193 1.46%
4 101 3148 2.35% 77 2394 2.04% 55 1718 3.13% 5352 165923 1.58%
5 108 3373 2.52% 86 2681 2.29% 55 1734 3.16% 8922 276590 2.64%
6 119 3710 2.77% 99 3094 2.64% 53 1661 3.03% 7343 227623 2.17%
7 146 4533 3.39% 120 3738 3.19% 57 1779 3.24% 16014 496445 4.73%
8 159 4950 3.70% 137 4256 3.63% 58 1827 3.33% 12683 393176 3.75%
9 163 5061 3.79% 143 4444 3.79% 55 1718 3.13% 16251 503781 4.80%
10 197 6135 4.59% 176 5475 4.67% 69 2163 3.94% 20749 643211 6.13%
11 210 6536 4.89% 194 6016 5.13% 89 2782 5.07% 21323 661027 6.30%
12 236 7321 5.48% 211 6553 5.59% 90 2820 5.14% 20522 636182 6.06%
13 328 10185 7.62% 308 9559 8.15% 168 5218 9.51% 23381 724797 6.91%
14 256 7953 5.95% 233 7253 6.18% 109 3391 6.18% 19299 598277 5.70%
15 240 7465 5.58% 218 6779 5.78% 96 3006 5.48% 18804 582932 5.56%
16 256 7964 5.96% 231 7182 6.12% 107 3346 6.10% 17742 550012 5.24%
17 241 7472 5.59% 218 6781 5.78% 98 3051 5.56% 18393 570186 5.43%
18 229 7125 5.33% 211 6545 5.58% 90 2812 5.13% 17438 540576 5.15%
19 177 5492 4.11% 157 4876 4.16% 61 1907 3.48% 13714 425141 4.05%
20 210 6538 4.89% 188 5842 4.98% 92 2860 5.22% 14544 450874 4.30%
21 202 6277 4.69% 173 5393 4.60% 60 1878 3.42% 16271 504401 4.81%
22 161 5008 3.75% 141 4382 3.74% 46 1438 2.62% 13352 413923 3.94%
23 164 5102 3.82% 132 4114 3.51% 59 1857 3.39% 14589 452246 4.31%

トップ 30 of 3258 全URL
# Hits KBytes URL
1 3782 2.83% 33995 0.32% /Forum/wforum.cgi
2 2881 2.15% 3602 0.03% /Forum/captcha.cgi
3 2192 1.64% 1155 0.01% /Forum/regist.cgi
4 1779 1.33% 16929 0.16% /
5 1772 1.33% 43326 0.41% /nanton/
6 1234 0.92% 2928 0.03% /aska_bbs/aska/aska.cgi
7 923 0.69% 230637 2.20% /cyclemainte/
8 762 0.57% 3524 0.03% /maintenance/Air/pump/pump.html
9 584 0.44% 936 0.01% /aska_bbs/aska/captcha.cgi
10 580 0.43% 9311 0.09% /nanton//blog/rss.php
11 519 0.39% 2077259 19.80% /Slime/
12 496 0.37% 398 0.00% /menu/menu_cyclemainte.txt
13 460 0.34% 949 0.01% /Slime/hpbsite.css
14 424 0.32% 8788 0.08% /maintenance/inter3/inter_3.html
15 406 0.30% 3416 0.03% /maintenance/tube/tube.html
16 399 0.30% 1028 0.01% /nanton/login-logo-pay.svg
17 394 0.29% 563 0.01% /nanton/merpay_logo.svg
18 391 0.29% 817 0.01% /nanton/logo-offlinestore.webp
19 374 0.28% 1968 0.02% /cyclemainte/Spoke.html
20 351 0.26% 2178 0.02% /cyclemainte//blog/rss.php
21 240 0.18% 1652 0.02% /menu/Slime_menu_p.txt
22 213 0.16% 827 0.01% /menu/Slime_menu.txt
23 184 0.14% 377 0.00% /cyclemainte/Section.html
24 166 0.12% 6206 0.06% /slime_details/
25 146 0.11% 220 0.00% /highslide/
26 138 0.10% 1081 0.01% /Slime/conveni.html
27 138 0.10% 612 0.01% /maintenance/replacement_of_rubber.html
28 138 0.10% 1802 0.02% /nanton/menu.html
29 126 0.09% 6919 0.07% /CBA/
30 126 0.09% 1198 0.01% /Slime_erodes/
View All URLs

トップ 10 of 3258 全URL By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 519 0.39% 2077259 19.80% /Slime/
2 10 0.01% 253097 2.41% /blog/2017/08/12/KVID1063.mp4
3 923 0.69% 230637 2.20% /cyclemainte/
4 8 0.01% 192549 1.84% /blog/2017/08/12/KVID1045.mp4
5 12 0.01% 118757 1.13% /jyusyoData/Merge_Zip.CSV
6 8 0.01% 97065 0.93% /blog/2017/08/12/ok/KVID1064.mp4
7 8 0.01% 87697 0.84% /blog/2017/08/12/ok/KVID1057.mp4
8 8 0.01% 58399 0.56% /blog/2017/04/26/KVID0324.mp4
9 9 0.01% 54058 0.52% /blog/2017/06/07/KVID0727.mp4
10 9 0.01% 51055 0.49% /blog/2017/10/14/KVID1264.mp4

トップ 10 of 692 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 3782 2.83% 1352 7.65% /Forum/wforum.cgi
2 1772 1.33% 1169 6.61% /nanton/
3 1779 1.33% 913 5.16% /
4 923 0.69% 730 4.13% /cyclemainte/
5 762 0.57% 717 4.06% /maintenance/Air/pump/pump.html
6 1234 0.92% 589 3.33% /aska_bbs/aska/aska.cgi
7 424 0.32% 395 2.23% /maintenance/inter3/inter_3.html
8 406 0.30% 368 2.08% /maintenance/tube/tube.html
9 374 0.28% 336 1.90% /cyclemainte/Spoke.html
10 2881 2.15% 313 1.77% /Forum/captcha.cgi

トップ 10 of 692 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1772 1.33% 890 4.86% /nanton/
2 1779 1.33% 842 4.59% /
3 3782 2.83% 765 4.17% /Forum/wforum.cgi
4 762 0.57% 712 3.88% /maintenance/Air/pump/pump.html
5 2192 1.64% 508 2.77% /Forum/regist.cgi
6 923 0.69% 496 2.71% /cyclemainte/
7 1234 0.92% 426 2.32% /aska_bbs/aska/aska.cgi
8 2881 2.15% 407 2.22% /Forum/captcha.cgi
9 424 0.32% 391 2.13% /maintenance/inter3/inter_3.html
10 580 0.43% 385 2.10% /nanton//blog/rss.php

トップ 30 of 16349 サイト
# Hits Files KBytes Visits ホスト名
1 3378 2.53% 2528 2.15% 10912 0.10% 6 0.03%
2 3162 2.36% 2366 2.02% 10200 0.10% 1 0.01%
3 2494 1.87% 2478 2.11% 19047 0.18% 1 0.01%
4 1755 1.31% 965 0.82% 159152 1.52% 1 0.01%
5 1717 1.28% 1682 1.43% 14074 0.13% 6 0.03%
6 1695 1.27% 1658 1.41% 26416 0.25% 7 0.04%
7 1673 1.25% 1629 1.39% 13445 0.13% 7 0.04%
8 1542 1.15% 795 0.68% 200221 1.91% 151 0.77%
9 1011 0.76% 985 0.84% 45338 0.43% 2 0.01%
10 877 0.66% 847 0.72% 126120 1.20% 54 0.28%
11 703 0.53% 701 0.60% 10894 0.10% 33 0.17%
12 688 0.51% 682 0.58% 3475 0.03% 3 0.02%
13 682 0.51% 682 0.58% 17340 0.17% 341 1.75%
14 616 0.46% 586 0.50% 5188 0.05% 3 0.02%
15 555 0.42% 339 0.29% 6407 0.06% 214 1.10%
16 533 0.40% 319 0.27% 6919 0.07% 190 0.97%
17 507 0.38% 312 0.27% 5038 0.05% 195 1.00%
18 507 0.38% 310 0.26% 8851 0.08% 186 0.95%
19 504 0.38% 501 0.43% 1664 0.02% 2 0.01%
20 496 0.37% 308 0.26% 9995 0.10% 196 1.00%
21 495 0.37% 495 0.42% 1353 0.01% 1 0.01%
22 491 0.37% 306 0.26% 15004 0.14% 187 0.96%
23 487 0.36% 298 0.25% 7954 0.08% 183 0.94%
24 469 0.35% 305 0.26% 45573 0.43% 98 0.50%
25 467 0.35% 462 0.39% 3218 0.03% 270 1.38%
26 465 0.35% 461 0.39% 3683 0.04% 277 1.42%
27 465 0.35% 461 0.39% 6582 0.06% 285 1.46%
28 461 0.34% 457 0.39% 3114 0.03% 279 1.43%
29 456 0.34% 282 0.24% 11739 0.11% 186 0.95%
30 455 0.34% 448 0.38% 2368 0.02% 282 1.45%
View All Sites

トップ 10 of 16349 サイト By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits ホスト名
1 66 0.05% 59 0.05% 460446 4.39% 0 0.00%
2 57 0.04% 52 0.04% 380731 3.63% 0 0.00%
3 1542 1.15% 795 0.68% 200221 1.91% 151 0.77%
4 42 0.03% 36 0.03% 169134 1.61% 0 0.00%
5 1755 1.31% 965 0.82% 159152 1.52% 1 0.01%
6 877 0.66% 847 0.72% 126120 1.20% 54 0.28%
7 454 0.34% 255 0.22% 83782 0.80% 3 0.02%
8 175 0.13% 174 0.15% 57185 0.54% 5 0.03%
9 469 0.35% 305 0.26% 45573 0.43% 98 0.50%
10 1011 0.76% 985 0.84% 45338 0.43% 2 0.01%

トップ 30 of 5036 リファラー
# Hits リファラー
1 44965 33.63% - (Direct Request)
2 16481 12.33% https://anocora.com/maintenance/inter3/inter_3.html
3 7641 5.72% https://anocora.cocolog-nifty.com/
4 7332 5.48% https://www.google.com/
5 7304 5.46% https://anocora.com/maintenance/tube/tube.html
6 5584 4.18% https://anocora.com/nanton/
7 4650 3.48% https://anocora.com/Forum/wforum.cgi
8 4391 3.28% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/
9 3421 2.56% https://anocora.com/maintenance/Air/pump/pump.html
10 2604 1.95% https://anocora.com/Slime/
11 2395 1.79% https://anocora.com/Slime/conveni.html
12 1339 1.00% https://anocora.com/Slime/slime2022index.html
13 867 0.65% https://anocora.com/maintenance/Puncture/Puncture_repair.html
14 845 0.63% https://anocora.com/aska_bbs/aska/aska.cgi
15 805 0.60% https://anocora.com/slime_details/
16 770 0.58% https://anocora.com/
17 733 0.55% https://anocora.com/maintenance/Puncture/Puncture.html
18 709 0.53% https://anocora.com/maintenance/replacement_of_rubber.html
19 614 0.46% https://anocora.com/nanton/index.html
20 567 0.42% https://www.anocora.com/aska_bbs/aska/aska.cgi
21 516 0.39% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/Spoke.html
22 485 0.36% https://search.yahoo.co.jp/
23 471 0.35% https://anocora.com/nanton/menu.html
24 461 0.34% https://www.google.co.jp/
25 415 0.31% http://anocora.com/contact.php
26 406 0.30% http://anocora.com/contact
27 402 0.30% https://anocora.com/Slime/Slime_Remove.html
28 334 0.25% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/Section.html
29 278 0.21% https://anocora.com/nanton/access.html
30 259 0.19% https://anocora.com/nanton/syoukai.html
View All Referrers

トップ 20 of 32 Total Search Strings
# Hits 検索文字列
1 49 30.43% https://anocora.com/maintenance/air/pump/pump.html
2 18 11.18% https://anocora.com/maintenance/tube/tube.html
3 10 6.21% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/spoke.html
4 9 5.59% https://anocora.com/nanton/
5 8 4.97% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/section.html
6 8 4.97% https://anocora.com/slime/
7 8 4.97% https://anocora.com/slime/conveni.html
8 8 4.97% https://anocora.com/slime/pumk.html
9 7 4.35% https://anocora.com/maintenance/inter3/inter_3.html
10 6 3.73% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/
11 3 1.86% https://anocora.com/cba/
12 3 1.86% https://anocora.com/maintenance/replacement_of_rubber.html
13 3 1.86% https://anocora.com/maintenance/saddle/saddlelevel.html
14 2 1.24% https://anocora.com/forum/wforum.cgimode=read
15 2 1.24% https://anocora.com/slime_details/
16 1 0.62% fh-rm30-7s若若若
17 1 0.62% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/cyclerepair.html
18 1 0.62% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/cyclerepair.phpcity=niiza
19 1 0.62% https://anocora.com/cyclemainte/ryoukin.html
20 1 0.62% https://anocora.com/home/
View All Search Strings

トップ 15 of 1724 ユーザエージェント
# Hits ユーザエージェント
1 9927 7.42% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.3.1 Mobile/15E14
2 9887 7.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
3 8933 6.68% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +http://ahrefs.com/robot/)
4 7455 5.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
5 5784 4.33% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8; http://mj12bot.com/)
6 5572 4.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
7 5250 3.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
8 4032 3.02% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
9 3914 2.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
10 3329 2.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)
11 2846 2.13% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
12 2494 1.87% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +https://bot.seekport.com)
13 2407 1.80% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; ImagesiftBot; +imagesift.com)
14 2237 1.67% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; +http://www.bing.com/bingbot.htm) Chrome/116.0.19
15 1865 1.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
View All User Agents

Usage by Country for March 2024

トップ 2 of 2 国
# Hits Files KBytes
1 133698 100.00% 117357 100.03% 10492812 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown
2 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Commercial (com)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23